Santiago Avila | The Dark Energy Survey: BAO Measurement from the Final Dataset |
Olga Avsajanishvili | Reconstruction and Analysis of Cosmological Scalar Field ϕCDM Models |
Antón Baleato Lizancos | Harmonic Analysis of Discrete Tracers of the Large-Scale Structure |
Basabendu Barman | Slaying Exotic Dragons With a Gravity Sword |
Jeger Broxterman | Impact of Baryonic Physics and Cosmology on Weak Gravitational Lensing Peaks |
Rodrigo Calderon | Reconstructing Dark Energy using DESI DR1 BAO Data |
Oscar Castillo-Felisola | Cosmological Expectations from a Polynomial Affine Model of Gravity |
Sebastian Cespedes & Sadra Jazayeri | Peeking into Sub-Hubble Scales with Inflationary Phonons |
Jonás Chaves-Montero | ForestFlow: Lya Forest Clustering from Linear to Nonlinear Scales |
Hanyu Cheng | Future Targets for Light Gauge Bosons from Cosmic Strings |
Tammi Chowdhury | Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry: A Leptogenesis Model |
Matthew Colless | Peculiar Velocity Surveys for Cosmology: Recent Results and Future Plans |
Marina Cortês | An Observer’s Philosophy of Physics |
Steve Cunnington | Probing Cosmology at Radio Wavelengths with MeerKLASS 21cm Intensity Mapping |
Vitor da Fonseca | Interacting Dark Energy Loosens Neutrino Mass Constraints |
Sudipta Das | Study of Pressure Parametric Dark Energy Model in the Framework of f(Q) Gravity |
Umut Demirbozan | The CMB Lensing Imprints of DES-Y3 Superstructures |
Qianhang Ding | The Merger Rate of Primordial Black Hole Binaries as a Probe of Hubble Parameter |
Ian DSouza | Disruption of Axion Minihalos Due to Stellar Interactions |
Job Feldbrugge | What Makes a Wall/Filament? |
Emmanuel Frion | Bouncing Cosmology from Loop Quantum Cosmology with Ekpyrotic and Matter Fields |
Marco Galoppo | Exact Solutions for Differentially Rotating Galaxies in General Relativity |
Luz Ángela Garcia | Studying an Late-Time Accelerated Expansion With a Diffusive Dark Energy Model |
Ivelin Georgiev | Relating the Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect and the 21cm Signal from the EoR |
Basundhara Ghosh | A Unified Linear Intrinsic Alignment Model for Elliptical and Disc Galaxies |
Leonardo Giani | Gravitational Collapse, Cosmic Web and (Almost) Spherical Cows |
Cara Giovanetti | Cosmological Parameter Estimation with the Fast and Differentiable BBN Code LINX |
Christopher Harvey-Hawes | Strong Gravitational Lensing as a Test of Cosmological Model |
Emilie Hertig | Combining Delensing and Foreground Cleaning for the Simons Observatory |
Benjamin Hertzsch | Complex Evaluation of Angular Power Spectra |
Marcus Högås | Influence of Bimetric Gravity on the Hubble Tension: Hints of a BAO Bias |
Feven Markos Hunde | Dark Matter Subhalo Properties in the Cosmic Web |
Minas Karamanis | Preconditioned Monte Carlo: A New Tool for Bayesian Inference in Cosmology |
Bhuvaneshwari Kashi | Exploring Higher-Order Modes in Gravitational Waves: LISA and NR Visualizations |
Ryan Keeley | Strongest Gravitational Lensing Limit on the Dark Matter Free-Streaming Length |
Ali Rida Khalife | Updated Constraints on Hubble Tension Solutions |
Ilya Khrykin | The Cosmic Baryons Illuminated by the Fast Radio Bursts |
Hyunsu Kong | Exploring Small-Scale Structures: Testing ΛCDM with Dark Matter Subhalos |
Sara Konrad | Universality of Structures from the Small-Scale Limit of the DM Power Spectrum |
Jun’ya Kume | Gravitational Waves and Baby Black Holes from a Catalyzed Phase Transition |
Zachary Lane | Cosmological Foundations Revisited with Pantheon+ |
Jaemyoung (Jason) Lee | Astrometric Redshifts of Supernovae |
Andrew Liddle | Interpreting DESI’s Evidence for Evolving Dark Energy |
Martine Lokken | Cosmic Coherence: Hot Gas, Galaxies and Dark Matter in ACT+DES Superclusters |
Dario Lorenzoni | Natural Inflation with Exponentially Small Tensor-to-Scalar Ratio |
Xiancong Luo | Open Quantum System in Cosmology |
Bailey Martin | Beyond the Mass Step: A Host Galaxy [O II] Correction to SN Ia Light Curves |
Tonatiuh Matos | Physics and Cosmology on a Gravitational Wave Background |
Evan McDonough | The Field Theory Axiverse |
Swagat S. Mishra | Preheating after Inflation: Inflaton Fragmentation, Oscillon Formation and Decay |
Anais Möller | Type-Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey |
Gabriele Montefalcone | Minimal Freeze-In Dark Matter at Low Reheating Temperatures |
James Morawetz | Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity with Density-Split Clustering |
Charlie Mpetha | Using the Infall Region around Galaxy Clusters as a Cosmological Probe |
Purba Mukherjee | Revisiting the Cosmic Distance Ladder with Deep Learning |
Moritz Münchmeyer | Robust Neural Network-Enhanced Estimation of Local Non-Gaussianity with Halos |
Arad Nasiri | Planckian Discreteness in Cosmology: Brownian Motion of Dark Matter Particles |
Minh Nguyen | How Much Information Can Be Extracted from Galaxy Clustering at the Field Level? |
Pierros Ntelis | A Probabilistic Expanding Universe under FA |
Alejandro Perez Rodriguez | Classical and Stochastic δN Formalisms |
Elena Pinetti | Hunting Dark Matter Lines with Infrared Telescopes |
Alexander Reeves | Probe Combination Framework: Pipeline and Neutrino Mass Forecast |
Shouvik Roy Choudhury | Neutrino Mass and Mass Ordering: No Conclusive Evidence for Normal Ordering |
Supranta Sarma Boruah | Optimal Weak Lensing Analysis with Map-Based Inference |
Antonia Seifert | Flat Rotation Curves from Exact Axisymmetric Static Vacuum Spacetimes |
Sergio Sevillano Muñoz | Cosmic Microwave Background Constraints on Extended Dark Matter Objects |
Lior Shamir | Asymmetry in JWST Deep Fields and Its Link to Consistent Redshift Bias |
Peter Sims | A Joint Analysis of EoR Constraints from 21-cm, Lyman Line & CMB Data Sets |
Liang Tan | Neutrino Mass Measurement with Cosmic Gravitational Focusing |
Peter Taylor | Unsupervised Searches for Parity Violation |
Ayngaran Thavanesan | The Cosmological CPT Theorem |
Xi Tong | There and Back Again for Cosmological Observables |
Bonny Y. Wang | Machine-Learning Cosmology from Void Properties |
Kuan Wang | Evolution of Dark Matter Halos from Their Merger Histories |
David Wiltshire | Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem |
Gopal Yadav | Communicating Multiverses in Holographic de-Sitter Braneworld |
Sudhava Yadav | Reheating Dynamics of Logarithmic-Corrected Quadratic Chaotic Inflation |
Gen Ye | Horndeski Early Dark Energy |
Ziwen Yin | Axion Star Condensation around Primordial Black Holes and Microlensing Limits |
Yunhao Zhang | Accurate and Efficient Marginalisation for Weak Gravitational Lensing Cosmology |
Miguel Zumalacarregui | Lensing of Gravitational Waves: New Opportunities for Fundamental Physics |