Plenary Talks

Raul AbramoUnveiling the Connection between Galaxies and Halos with Machine Learning
Shadab AlamBeyond the Cosmic Backdrop: Accounting for Environmental Effects on Galaxy Evolution
Jens ChlubaSynergistic Opportunities with CMB Spectral Distortions
Andrew EberhardtUltralight Dark Matter Review
Steffen Hagstotz & Robert ReischkeFast Radio Bursts: A New Look at the Visible Universe
Laura HeroldCosmological Tensions & Statistics: Insights from Bayesian & Frequentist Approaches
Luisa Lucie-SmithExplainable Machine Learning in Cosmology
Silvia ManconiAstroparticle Physics: Selected Topics & Perspectives
Marius Millea & Srinivasan Raghunathan
(for the SPT Collaboration)
Cosmology with the South Pole Telescope
Sébastien Renaux-PetelNew Particles in the Sky
Christoph Saulder (for the DESI Collaboration)The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI): Y1 Results
Matthieu Schaller (for the FLAMINGO Project)The FLAMINGO Simulation Suite: A Precision Cosmology Survey Virtual Twin
Yuhsin TsaiDark Sector Cosmology and Naturalness Problems in Particle Physics

Parallel Talks

Santiago AvilaThe Dark Energy Survey: BAO Measurement from the Final Dataset
Olga AvsajanishviliReconstruction and Analysis of Cosmological Scalar Field ϕCDM Models
Antón Baleato LizancosHarmonic Analysis of Discrete Tracers of the Large-Scale Structure
Basabendu BarmanSlaying Exotic Dragons With a Gravity Sword
Jeger BroxtermanImpact of Baryonic Physics and Cosmology on Weak Gravitational Lensing Peaks
Rodrigo CalderonReconstructing Dark Energy using DESI DR1 BAO Data
Oscar Castillo-FelisolaCosmological Expectations from a Polynomial Affine Model of Gravity
Sebastian Cespedes & Sadra JazayeriPeeking into Sub-Hubble Scales with Inflationary Phonons
Jonás Chaves-MonteroForestFlow: Lya Forest Clustering from Linear to Nonlinear Scales
Hanyu ChengFuture Targets for Light Gauge Bosons from Cosmic Strings
Tammi ChowdhuryMatter-Antimatter Asymmetry: A Leptogenesis Model
Matthew CollessPeculiar Velocity Surveys for Cosmology: Recent Results and Future Plans
Marina CortêsAn Observer’s Philosophy of Physics
Steve CunningtonProbing Cosmology at Radio Wavelengths with MeerKLASS 21cm Intensity Mapping
Vitor da FonsecaInteracting Dark Energy Loosens Neutrino Mass Constraints
Sudipta DasStudy of Pressure Parametric Dark Energy Model in the Framework of f(Q) Gravity
Umut DemirbozanThe CMB Lensing Imprints of DES-Y3 Superstructures
Qianhang DingThe Merger Rate of Primordial Black Hole Binaries as a Probe of Hubble Parameter
Ian DSouzaDisruption of Axion Minihalos Due to Stellar Interactions
Job FeldbruggeWhat Makes a Wall/Filament?
Emmanuel FrionBouncing Cosmology from Loop Quantum Cosmology with Ekpyrotic and Matter Fields
Marco GaloppoExact Solutions for Differentially Rotating Galaxies in General Relativity
Luz Ángela GarciaStudying an Late-Time Accelerated Expansion With a Diffusive Dark Energy Model
Ivelin GeorgievRelating the Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect and the 21cm Signal from the EoR
Basundhara GhoshA Unified Linear Intrinsic Alignment Model for Elliptical and Disc Galaxies
Leonardo GianiGravitational Collapse, Cosmic Web and (Almost) Spherical Cows
Cara GiovanettiCosmological Parameter Estimation with the Fast and Differentiable BBN Code LINX
Christopher Harvey-HawesStrong Gravitational Lensing as a Test of Cosmological Model
Emilie HertigCombining Delensing and Foreground Cleaning for the Simons Observatory
Benjamin HertzschComplex Evaluation of Angular Power Spectra
Marcus HögåsInfluence of Bimetric Gravity on the Hubble Tension: Hints of a BAO Bias
Feven Markos HundeDark Matter Subhalo Properties in the Cosmic Web
Minas KaramanisPreconditioned Monte Carlo: A New Tool for Bayesian Inference in Cosmology
Bhuvaneshwari KashiExploring Higher-Order Modes in Gravitational Waves: LISA and NR Visualizations
Ryan KeeleyStrongest Gravitational Lensing Limit on the Dark Matter Free-Streaming Length
Ali Rida KhalifeUpdated Constraints on Hubble Tension Solutions
Ilya KhrykinThe Cosmic Baryons Illuminated by the Fast Radio Bursts
Hyunsu KongExploring Small-Scale Structures: Testing ΛCDM with Dark Matter Subhalos
Sara KonradUniversality of Structures from the Small-Scale Limit of the DM Power Spectrum
Jun’ya KumeGravitational Waves and Baby Black Holes from a Catalyzed Phase Transition
Zachary LaneCosmological Foundations Revisited with Pantheon+
Jaemyoung (Jason) LeeAstrometric Redshifts of Supernovae
Andrew LiddleInterpreting DESI’s Evidence for Evolving Dark Energy
Martine LokkenCosmic Coherence: Hot Gas, Galaxies and Dark Matter in ACT+DES Superclusters
Dario LorenzoniNatural Inflation with Exponentially Small Tensor-to-Scalar Ratio
Xiancong LuoOpen Quantum System in Cosmology
Bailey MartinBeyond the Mass Step: A Host Galaxy [O II] Correction to SN Ia Light Curves
Tonatiuh MatosPhysics and Cosmology on a Gravitational Wave Background
Evan McDonoughThe Field Theory Axiverse
Swagat S. MishraPreheating after Inflation: Inflaton Fragmentation, Oscillon Formation and Decay
Anais MöllerType-Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey
Gabriele MontefalconeMinimal Freeze-In Dark Matter at Low Reheating Temperatures
James MorawetzConstraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity with Density-Split Clustering
Charlie MpethaUsing the Infall Region around Galaxy Clusters as a Cosmological Probe​
Purba MukherjeeRevisiting the Cosmic Distance Ladder with Deep Learning
Moritz MünchmeyerRobust Neural Network-Enhanced Estimation of Local Non-Gaussianity with Halos
Arad NasiriPlanckian Discreteness in Cosmology: Brownian Motion of Dark Matter Particles
Minh NguyenHow Much Information Can Be Extracted from Galaxy Clustering at the Field Level?
Pierros NtelisA Probabilistic Expanding Universe under FA
Alejandro Perez RodriguezClassical and Stochastic δN Formalisms
Elena PinettiHunting Dark Matter Lines with Infrared Telescopes
Alexander ReevesProbe Combination Framework: Pipeline and Neutrino Mass Forecast
Shouvik Roy ChoudhuryNeutrino Mass and Mass Ordering: No Conclusive Evidence for Normal Ordering
Supranta Sarma BoruahOptimal Weak Lensing Analysis with Map-Based Inference
Antonia SeifertFlat Rotation Curves from Exact Axisymmetric Static Vacuum Spacetimes
Sergio Sevillano MuñozCosmic Microwave Background Constraints on Extended Dark Matter Objects
Lior ShamirAsymmetry in JWST Deep Fields and Its Link to Consistent Redshift Bias
Peter SimsA Joint Analysis of EoR Constraints from 21-cm, Lyman Line & CMB Data Sets
Liang TanNeutrino Mass Measurement with Cosmic Gravitational Focusing
Peter TaylorUnsupervised Searches for Parity Violation
Ayngaran ThavanesanThe Cosmological CPT Theorem
Xi TongThere and Back Again for Cosmological Observables
Bonny Y. WangMachine-Learning Cosmology from Void Properties
Kuan WangEvolution of Dark Matter Halos from Their Merger Histories
David WiltshireSolution to the Cosmological Constant Problem
Gopal YadavCommunicating Multiverses in Holographic de-Sitter Braneworld
Sudhava YadavReheating Dynamics of Logarithmic-Corrected Quadratic Chaotic Inflation
Gen YeHorndeski Early Dark Energy
Ziwen YinAxion Star Condensation around Primordial Black Holes and Microlensing Limits
Yunhao ZhangAccurate and Efficient Marginalisation for Weak Gravitational Lensing Cosmology
Miguel ZumalacarreguiLensing of Gravitational Waves: New Opportunities for Fundamental Physics