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All times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

A Google calendar with all of the scheduled events of the conference is available via this URL and via this address in the iCal format. (The calendar will be updated to reflect the current schedule.)

Monday, 17 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 13:30Kick-Off Event I
13:30 – 14:00Informal Discussions
14:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:00 – 19:30Kick-Off Event II
19:30 – 20:00Informal Discussions
20:00 – Social Events

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 14:00Plenary Live Discussion Session (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Elisa Ferreira & Matthijs van der Wild
• Laura Herold: Cosmological Tensions & Statistics: Insights from Bayesian & Frequentist Approaches (video, slides)
• Katie Mack: The Communication Space: Science, Scholarship and Public Engagement (video, slides)
14:00 – 14:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
14:30 – 15:30Parallel Live Discussion Session: Large-Scale Structure I (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Steffen Hagstotz & Niko Sarcevic
• Jonás Chaves-Montero: ForestFlow: Lya Forest Clustering from Linear to Nonlinear Scales (video, slides)
• Benjamin Hertzsch: Complex Evaluation of Angular Power Spectra (video, slides)
• Veronika Oehl: An Exact Likelihood for the Correlation Function (video, slides)
• Kuan Wang: Evolution of Dark Matter Halos from Their Merger Histories (video, slides)
• Bonny Y. Wang: Machine-Learning Cosmology from Void Properties (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Dark Sectors I & Neutrinos (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Yuhsin Tsai & Ryan Keeley
• Tonatiuh Matos: Physics and Cosmology on a Gravitational Wave Background (video, slides)
• Shouvik Roy Choudhury: Neutrino Mass and Mass Ordering: No Conclusive Evidence for Normal Ordering (video, slides)
• Liang Tan: Neutrino Mass Measurement with Cosmic Gravitational Focusing (video, slides)
• Gen Ye: Horndeski Early Dark Energy (video, slides)
• Vitor da Fonseca: Interacting Dark Energy Loosens Neutrino Mass Constraints (video, slides)
15:30 – 16:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
16:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:00 – 20:00Plenary Live Discussion Session (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Shaun Hotchkiss & Benjamin Wallisch
• Silvia Manconi: Astroparticle Physics: Selected Topics & Perspectives (video, slides)
• Marius Millea & Srinivasan Raghunathan (for the SPT Collaboration): Cosmology with the South Pole Telescope (video, slides)
20:00 – 20:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
20:30 – 21:30Parallel Live Discussion Session: 21cm & Combined Probes I (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Robert Reischke & Minh Nguyen
• Matthew Colless: Peculiar Velocity Surveys for Cosmology: Recent Results and Future Plans (video, slides)
• Steve Cunnington: Probing Cosmology at Radio Wavelengths with MeerKLASS 21cm Intensity Mapping (video, slides)
• Ivelin Georgiev: Relating the Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect and the 21cm Signal from the EoR (video, slides)
• Martine Lokken: Cosmic Coherence: Hot Gas, Galaxies and Dark Matter in ACT+DES Superclusters (video, slides)
• Peter Sims: A Joint Analysis of EoR Constraints from 21-cm, Lyman Line & CMB Data Sets (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Dark Sectors II (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Benjamin Wallisch & Katie Mack
• Ryan Keeley: Strongest Gravitational Lensing Limit on the Dark Matter Free-Streaming Length (video, slides)
• Hoang Nhan Luu: Exploring Halo Diversity in Two-Field Fuzzy Dark Matter (video, slides)
• Evan McDonough: The Field Theory Axiverse (video, slides)
• Gabriele Montefalcone: Minimal Freeze-In Dark Matter at Low Reheating Temperatures (video, slides)
• Arad Nasiri: Planckian Discreteness in Cosmology: Brownian Motion of Dark Matter Particles (video, slides)
21:30 – 22:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
22:00 – Social Events

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 14:00Themed Discussion Session I: Cosmological Sampling Methods (discussion recording)
Session Host: Minas Karamanis
14:00 – 14:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
14:30 – 15:30Themed Discussion Session II: Good Coding Practices (discussion recording)
Session Host: Cara Giovanetti
15:30 – 16:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
16:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:00 – 20:00Themed Discussion Session I: Large-Language Models in Cosmology Research (discussion recording)
Session Host: Moritz Münchmeyer
20:00 – 20:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
20:30 – 21:30Themed Discussion Session II: Large-Scale Structure Cosmology in the Prior-Dominated Era (discussion recording)
Session Host: Robert Reischke
21:30 – 22:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
22:00 – Social Events

Thursday, 20 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 14:00Plenary Live Discussion Session (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Niko Sarcevic & Elisa Ferreira
• Shadab Alam: Beyond the Cosmic Backdrop: Accounting for Environmental Effects on Galaxy Evolution (video, slides)
• Jens Chluba: Synergistic Opportunities with CMB Spectral Distortions (video, slides)
14:00 – 14:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
14:30 – 15:30Parallel Live Discussion Session: Large-Scale Structure II (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Elisa Ferreira & Benjamin Wallisch
• Tristan Daus & Elena Kozlikin: Hubbard-Stratonovich Transformation for Cosmic Large-Scale Structure Formation (video, slides)
• Basundhara Ghosh: A Unified Linear Intrinsic Alignment Model for Elliptical and Disc Galaxies (video, slides)
• Charlie Mpetha: Using the Infall Region around Galaxy Clusters as a Cosmological Probe​ (video, slides)
• Marvin Sipp: Cosmic-Velocity Statistics from Hamiltonian Particle Dynamics (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Anomalies I (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Laura Herold & Sudipta Das
• Marina Cortês: An Observer’s Philosophy of Physics (video, slides)
• Marcus Högås: Influence of Bimetric Gravity on the Hubble Tension: Hints of a BAO Bias (video, slides)
• Ali Rida Khalife: Updated Constraints on Hubble Tension Solutions (video, slides)
• Jay Krishnan: Do JWST Early Galaxies Pose a Crisis for Cosmology? (video, slides)
• Lior Shamir: Asymmetry in JWST Deep Fields and Its Link to Consistent Redshift Bias (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Primordial Universe I (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Harry Goodhew & Gabriele Montefalcone
• Sebastian Cespedes & Sadra Jazayeri: Peeking into Sub-Hubble Scales with Inflationary Phonons (video, slides)
• Xi Tong: There and Back Again for Cosmological Observables (video, slides)
• Gopal Yadav: Communicating Multiverses in Holographic de-Sitter Braneworld (video, slides)
• Sudhava Yadav: Reheating Dynamics of Logarithmic-Corrected Quadratic Chaotic Inflation (video, slides)
15:30 – 16:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
16:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:00 – 20:00Plenary Live Discussion Session (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Matthijs van der Wild & Benjamin Wallisch
• Steffen Hagstotz & Robert Reischke: Fast Radio Bursts: A New Look at the Visible Universe (video, slides)
• Yuhsin Tsai: Dark Sector Cosmology and Naturalness Problems in Particle Physics (video, slides)
20:00 – 20:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
20:30 – 21:30Parallel Live Discussion Session: Large-Scale Structure III (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Moritz Münchmeyer & Martine Lokken
• Job Feldbrugge: What Makes a Wall/Filament? (video, slides)
• Leonardo Giani: Gravitational Collapse, Cosmic Web and (Almost) Spherical Cows (video, slides)
• Christopher Harvey-Hawes: Strong Gravitational Lensing as a Test of Cosmological Model (video, slides)
• Minh Nguyen: How Much Information Can Be Extracted from Galaxy Clustering at the Field Level? (video, slides)
• Yunhao Zhang: Accurate and Efficient Marginalisation for Weak Gravitational Lensing Cosmology (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Anomalies II (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host: Benjamin Wallisch
• Helena Garcia Escudero: Do We Have a Model Better than ΛCDM? (video, slides)
• Zachary Lane: Cosmological Foundations Revisited with Pantheon+ (video, slides)
• Jaemyoung (Jason) Lee: Astrometric Redshifts of Supernovae (video, slides)
• Bailey Martin: Beyond the Mass Step: A Host Galaxy [O II] Correction to SN Ia Light Curves (video, slides)
• Anais Möller: Type-Ia Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Dark Sectors III (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Shaun Hotchkiss & Matthijs van der Wild
• Emmanuel Frion: Bouncing Cosmology from Loop Quantum Cosmology with Ekpyrotic and Matter Fields (video, slides)
• Marco Galoppo: Exact Solutions for Differentially Rotating Galaxies in General Relativity (video, slides)
• Luz Ángela Garcia: Studying an Late-Time Accelerated Expansion With a Diffusive Dark Energy Model (video, slides)
• Andrew Liddle: Interpreting DESI’s Evidence for Evolving Dark Energy (video, slides)
• David Wiltshire: Solution to the Cosmological Constant Problem (video, slides)
21:30 – 22:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
22:00 – Social Events

Friday, 21 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 14:00Themed Discussion Session I: Naive Question Time (discussion recording)
Session Host: Benjamin Wallisch
14:00 – 14:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
14:30 – 15:30Themed Discussion Session II: Large-Scale Structure Analyses beyond Two-Point Statistics (discussion recording)
Session Hosts: Minh Nguyen & Andres Salcedo
15:30 – 16:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
16:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:00 – 20:00Themed Discussion Session I: Implications of Better Optical Depth Measurements (discussion recording)
Session Host: Guanhao Sun
20:00 – 20:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
20:30 – 21:30Themed Discussion Session II: Our Public Engagement Projects (discussion recording)
Session Host: Shaun Hotchkiss
21:30 – 22:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
22:00 – Social Events

Monday, 24 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 14:00Themed Discussion Session I: How Cosmological Observations Constrain Particle Physics (discussion recording)
Session Host: Olivia Bitter
14:00 – 15:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
15:00 – 16:00Themed Discussion Session II: How Simulations Simulate Our Universe (discussion recording)
Session Host: Matthijs van der Wild
16:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:00 – 20:00Themed Discussion Session I: Naive Question Time (discussion recording)
Session Host: Shaun Hotchkiss
20:00 – 20:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
20:30 – 21:30Themed Discussion Session II: Probing BSM Physics and Cosmology using Primordial Gravitational Waves (discussion recording)
Session Hosts: Oliver Gould & Swagat Mishra
21:30 – 22:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
22:00 – Social Events

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 14:00Plenary Live Discussion Session (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Niko Sarcevic & Elisa Ferreira
• Elisa Chisari: Survey Systematics – In Theory (video, slides)
• Matthieu Schaller (for the FLAMINGO Project): The FLAMINGO Simulation Suite: A Precision Cosmology Survey Virtual Twin (video, slides)
14:00 – 14:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
14:30 – 15:30Parallel Live Discussion Session: Combined Probes II & Large-Scale Structure IV (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Luisa Lucie-Smith & Laura Herold
• Santiago Avila: The Dark Energy Survey: BAO Measurement from the Final Dataset (video, slides)
• Rodrigo Calderon: Reconstructing Dark Energy using DESI DR1 BAO Data (video, slides)
• Umut Demirbozan: The CMB Lensing Imprints of DES-Y3 Superstructures (video, slides)
• Ilya Khrykin: The Cosmic Baryons Illuminated by the Fast Radio Bursts (video, slides)
• Alexander Reeves: Probe Combination Framework: Pipeline and Neutrino Mass Forecast (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Large-Scale Structure V (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Elena Kozlikin & Kuan Wang
• Olga Avsajanishvili: Reconstruction and Analysis of Cosmological Scalar Field ϕCDM Models (video, slides)
• Jeger Broxterman: Impact of Baryonic Physics and Cosmology on Weak Gravitational Lensing Peaks (video, slides)
• Feven Markos Hunde: Dark Matter Subhalo Properties in the Cosmic Web (video, slides)
• Minas Karamanis: Preconditioned Monte Carlo: A New Tool for Bayesian Inference in Cosmology (video, slides)
• Sara Konrad: Universality of Structures from the Small-Scale Limit of the DM Power Spectrum (video, slides)
15:30 – 16:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
16:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:30 – 20:00Plenary Live Discussion Session (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Benjamin Wallisch & Matthijs van der Wild
• Christoph Saulder (for the DESI Collaboration): The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI): Y1 Results (video, slides)
20:00 – 20:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
20:30 – 21:30Parallel Live Discussion Session: Cosmic Microwave Background (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Benjamin Wallisch & Antón Baleato Lizancos
• Cara Giovanetti: Cosmological Parameter Estimation with the Fast and Differentiable BBN Code LINX (video, slides)
• Emilie Hertig: Combining Delensing and Foreground Cleaning for the Simons Observatory (video, slides)
• Sergio Sevillano Muñoz: Cosmic Microwave Background Constraints on Extended Dark Matter Objects (video, slides)
• Enrico Specogna: Breaking Planck’s Lensing Anomaly: A Parametric Approach (video, slides)
• David Zegeye: The Square Kilometer Array as a Cosmic Microwave Background Experiment (video)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Large-Scale Structure VI & Primordial Universe II (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Evan McDonough & Emmanuel Frion
• Dario Lorenzoni: Natural Inflation with Exponentially Small Tensor-to-Scalar Ratio (video, slides)
• Swagat S. Mishra: Preheating after Inflation: Inflaton Fragmentation, Oscillon Formation and Decay (video, slides)
• Purba Mukherjee: Revisiting the Cosmic Distance Ladder with Deep Learning (video, slides)
• Moritz Münchmeyer: Robust Neural Network-Enhanced Estimation of Local Non-Gaussianity with Halos (video, slides)
• Supranta Sarma Boruah: Optimal Weak Lensing Analysis with Map-Based Inference (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Dark Sectors IV (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Ryan Keeley & Olivia Meredith Bitter
• Tammi Chowdhury: Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry: A Leptogenesis Model (video, slides)
• Ian DSouza: Disruption of Axion Minihalos Due to Stellar Interactions (video, slides)
• Sohan Ghodla: Probing Dark Matter using LISA’s Galactic Black Holes (video, slides)
• Hyunsu Kong: Exploring Small-Scale Structures: Testing ΛCDM with Dark Matter Subhalos (video, slides)
• Maria Perez Mendoza: Impact of Realistic Narrow-Line Regions on Flux Ratio Measurements (video, slides)
21:30 – 22:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
22:00 – Social Events

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 14:00Themed Discussion Session I: Analysis of Dynamical Systems in Cosmology (discussion recording)
Session Host: Pierros Ntelis
14:00 – 14:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
14:30 – 15:30Themed Discussion Session II: Applications of the Functional Renormalization Group in Cosmology (discussion recording)
Session Hosts: Anas Farahat & Elena Kozlikin
15:30 – 16:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
16:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:00 – 20:00Themed Discussion Session I: Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Session Hosts: Tamara Davis & Shaun Hotchkiss
20:00 – 20:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
20:30 – 21:30Themed Discussion Session II: AI Risk and Risk Assessment in Cosmology (discussion recording)
Session Host: Marina Cortês
21:30 – 22:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
22:00 – Social Events

Thursday, 27 June 2024

Early Session

13:00 – 14:00Plenary Live Discussion Session (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Elisa Ferreira & Benjamin Wallisch
• Andrew Eberhardt: Ultralight Dark Matter Review (video, slides)
• Luisa Lucie-Smith: Explainable Machine Learning in Cosmology (video, slides)
14:00 – 14:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
14:30 – 15:30Parallel Live Discussion Session: Gravitational Waves (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Elisa Ferreira & Benjamin Wallisch
• Qianhang Ding: The Merger Rate of Primordial Black Hole Binaries as a Probe of Hubble Parameter (video, slides)
• Bhuvaneshwari Kashi: Exploring Higher-Order Modes in Gravitational Waves: LISA and NR Visualizations (video, slides)
• Gabriele Perna: Fully Non-Gaussian Scalar-Induced Gravitational Waves (video, slides)
• Martin Pijnenburg: The Kinematic Dipole Tension in Light of Next-Generation GW Detectors (video, slides)
• Miguel Zumalacarregui: Lensing of Gravitational Waves: New Opportunities for Fundamental Physics (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Dark Sectors V (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Oliver Gould & Guanhao Sun
• Hanyu Cheng: Future Targets for Light Gauge Bosons from Cosmic Strings (video, slides)
• Jun’ya Kume: Gravitational Waves and Baby Black Holes from a Catalyzed Phase Transition (video, slides)
• Elena Pinetti: Hunting Dark Matter Lines with Infrared Telescopes (video, slides)
• Jeremy Wachter: A Bump on a Spectrum: Cosmic Strings, Self-Interactions and Gravitational Waves (video, slides)
• Ziwen Yin: Axion Star Condensation around Primordial Black Holes and Microlensing Limits (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Dark Sectors VI & Modified Gravity (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Andrew Liddle & Matthijs van der Wild
• Basabendu Barman: Slaying Exotic Dragons With a Gravity Sword (video, slides)
• Oscar Castillo-Felisola: Cosmological Expectations from a Polynomial Affine Model of Gravity (video, slides)
• Sudipta Das: Study of Pressure Parametric Dark Energy Model in the Framework of f(Q) Gravity (video, slides)
• Pierros Ntelis: A Probabilistic Expanding Universe under FA (video, slides)
• Antonia Seifert: Flat Rotation Curves from Exact Axisymmetric Static Vacuum Spacetimes (video, slides)
15:30 – 16:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
16:00 – Social Events

Late Session

19:00 – 20:00Plenary Live Discussion Session (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Matthijs van der Wild & Shaun Hotchkiss
• Raul Abramo: Unveiling the Connection between Galaxies and Halos with Machine Learning (video, slides)
• Sébastien Renaux-Petel: New Particles in the Sky (video, slides)
20:00 – 20:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
20:30 – 21:30Parallel Live Discussion Session: Large-Scale Structure VII (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Moritz Münchmeyer & Shaun Hotchkiss
• Antón Baleato Lizancos: Harmonic Analysis of Discrete Tracers of the Large-Scale Structure (video, slides)
• Utkarsh Giri: Constraining Local PNG using Long-Wavelength Modulation of Small-Scale Power (video, slides)
• James Morawetz: Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity with Density-Split Clustering (video, slides)
• Peter Taylor: Unsupervised Searches for Parity Violation (video, slides)
• Michael Williams: Investigating Void Statistics in Numerical Relativity Simulations (video, slides)
Parallel Live Discussion Session: Primordial Universe III (YouTube playlist, Mattermost channel, discussion recording)
Host and Co-Host: Swagat Mishra & Jeremy Wachter
• Santiago Agüí Salcedo: Effective Field Theory of Dissipative Inflation (video, slides)
• Xiancong Luo: Open Quantum System in Cosmology (video, slides)
• Alejandro Perez Rodriguez: Classical and Stochastic δN Formalisms (video, slides)
• Ayngaran Thavanesan: The Cosmological CPT Theorem (video, slides)
21:30 – 22:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
22:00 – Social Events

Friday, 28 June 2024

Early Session

14:00 – 15:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
15:00 – Social Events

Late Session

18:00 – 19:00Themed Discussion Session I: How Can We Do Better Science? (discussion recording)
Session Host: Shaun Hotchkiss
19:00 – 19:30Dedicated Informal Discussions
19:30 – 20:30Themed Discussion Session II: Backreaction of Inhomogeneities & Timescape and Model (In-)Dependence of BAO (discussion recording)
Session Hosts: David Wiltshire & Shaun Hotchkiss
20:30 – 21:00Dedicated Informal Discussions
21:00 – Social Events
End of the conference. Thank you everyone for attending!

Flash Talk

• Theo Nieuwenhuizen: Solution of the Dark Matter Riddle within Standard Model Physics: From Black Holes, Galaxies and Clusters to Cosmology (video)