Cosmology from Home is an online cosmology conference with an innovative format, which produces a dynamic and collaborative workshop experience within the online domain. The format includes the use of pre-recorded talks, and a combination of asynchronous and scheduled live discussions. A permanently available and freely-navigated discussion space also facilitates ongoing, organic discussions. The conference will bring together cosmologists from around the world to discuss the current state of cosmology at the interface of theory and observations.

The topics that will be discussed include:

• Inflation and the Early Universe,
• Cosmic Microwave Background and Thermal History,
• Large-Scale Structure of the Universe,
• Dark Matter, Neutrinos and Other Particle Astrophysics,
• Modified Gravity, Dark Energy and Foundations of ΛCDM.
• Gravitational Waves and Multimessenger Astronomy,
• Public Engagement, Academic Life, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Plenary Speakers

The ACT Collaboration (ACT DR6 Cosmology)

The DESI Collaboration (DR2 Cosmology Results)

Basudeb Dasgupta (Neutrinos)

Jens Jasche (Machine Learning and Large Scale Structure)

Maria Mylova (Modified Gravity)

Andrina Nicola (Combining Observational Probes)

Camila Novaes (Combining Statistical Probes)

Wrap up of Stage 3 Cosmic Shear and look to the future (TBC)

Inflation (TBC)

Public Engagement (TBC)


Elisa Ferreira (Kavli IPMU & University of São Paulo)

Shaun Hotchkiss (Cosmology Talks & Effective Research Sharing)

Susan Pyne (University College London)

Niko Šarčević (Duke University)

Mariana Vargas-Magaña (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Benjamin Wallisch (Stockholm University, Nordita & UT Austin)

Matthijs van der Wild (Durham University)


Marika Asgari (Newcastle University)

Nicolás Bernal (Universidad Antonio Nariño)

Richard Easther (University of Auckland)

Juan García-Bellido (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Aseem Paranjape (IUCAA, Pune)

Amanda Weltman (University of Cape Town)

W. L. Kimmy Wu (SLAC & Stanford University)